How to store tires?

Each manufacturer sets its own expiration date on the new tires from 5 to 10 years. Therefore, you must take an interest in period and conditions of storage of tires to buy, but do not forget that in the offseason is necessary to observe the basic rules of storage of tires, so they do not […]

Each manufacturer sets its own expiration date on the new tires from 5 to 10 years. Therefore, you must take an interest in period and conditions of storage of tires to buy, but do not forget that in the offseason is necessary to observe the basic rules of storage of tires, so they do not become unfit for use ahead of time.

Storage of tires is regulated by GOST 24779-81. In this article, we present recommendations to improve the durability and persistence of tires during storage and operation. Like all rubber products, tires are subject to hydro thermal, thermal light ozone, thermo-oxidative aging and ozone, the result of which is the appearance of cracks on the tire surface.

Tires stored in closed, well-ventilated, fireproof rooms. High temperature increases the rate of aging and the loss of these tires original performance properties, therefore permissible temperature of the room should be maintained within -5 ° C … + 25 ° C at a relative humidity of 50-80%. Direct sunlight, infrared light, lubricants, solvents, petroleum products and oils are also detrimental to the tire. Regardless of whether you store the tires in a garage or deposited in a special storage, the tires must be clean, dry and possibly treat aerosol conservatives rubber inhibiting the “aging”.

It is also necessary to take into account the difference in storing tires without disks from the tire assembly. Tires without disks stored in an upright position in a row, turning them every 3 months, changing the bearing zone, in order to avoid jam and deformation. For these purposes the ideal rack for tires, production of “Ipris-profil.” Beams, which are set tires are made of round tubes optimum thickness since too thin pipe or cable channel to increase the load on the individual areas and contribute to greater strain. It should be remembered that on the floor of the bus can not be stored. The lower tier should be located at a height of at least 15 cm above the floor level. Tire assembly, in contrast, store stacked “pit” or suspended.

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