Ipris-Profil made its debut at the 6th International Exhibition of Warehouse Technologies SeMAT 2015, where it presented technological solutions for managing commodity flows

Ipris-Profil made its debut at the 6th International Exhibition of Warehouse Technologies SeMAT 2015, where it presented technological solutions for managing product flows from logistics and distribution centres to shops, as well as a vertical automated display stand for roll materials (paternoster).

Ipris carpet rolls set new standards for efficiency in warehousing, retail and manufacturing environments. Smooth running, customised construction, branded design elements, bale drop protection and key access to the paternoster control to prevent unauthorised access distinguish our products from their counterparts.

Now it is possible to order a paternoster for all existing roll sizes.
But the greatest interest was aroused by the roll-containers, thanks to the use of which it is possible to significantly reduce the time for reloading (as a consequence, to reduce costs for the “downtime” of the vehicle), to exclude re-sorting during order picking and to speed up the process of putting the goods on the shelves.


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